Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Puggle Puppy Training Tips

Just a few tips on training your new puggle puppy.

Ever been over to somebody's house and had their puppy jump all over you the minute you walk in the door?  It's very annoying, especially if the dog is making your clothes dirty.

To avoid this, always make sure your puggle puppy's four paws are always on the ground when you pet them.  It's more difficult than letting the puppy "stand" up on two legs, because you have to stoop down, but it really pays off in the long run.  By petting them with all four on the ground, the puppy feels reward for this and will have no reason to jump.  None of our puggles jump up on people, ever.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Black puggles for sale

Please to announce our new male, Hank, who has been added to our puggle stud dog program.  He's certainly going to make puppies that would be considered pocket puggles, because he is very small.

Anyone looking for a great puggle breeder with healthy puggle puppies for sale should visit pugglebaby.com today.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If you are looking for a puggle puppy for sale, this is the place for you. . . www.pugglebaby.com.
Not a puggle rescue, but a place to find lots of puggle information. It is a great place to find a puggle for sale, or a puggle dog that needs you for a puggle adoption. Puggle dogs are great with kids, although there really is no such thing as a pocket puggle.

If you want to adopt a puggle, even a black puggle, or just look at puggle pictures... pugglebaby.com is the place for you.

Is there a lack of puggles for sale in california? How about puggle breeders in california? Visit our site today for all of your puggle puppies for sale questions.